Evaluation References
- 2024. Bailee Troutman, Lindsay Neff, Jacob Bullough, Alyssa Warner, German Pinas, Breanna Bunderson, Nik Thierjung, Alessandro Rossi. Implementation of a software for automatic reading of agar dilution plates at a Neisseria gonorrhoeae antimicrobial resistance surveillance laboratory. Association of Public Health Laboratories. View Poster.
- 2023. Bethany L. Burns, Daniel D. Rhoads, Anisha Misra. The Use of Machine Learning for Image Analysis Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Microbiology. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Sep; 61(9): e02336-21. View Article.
- 2023. Amelia S. Bhatnagar, María-José Machado, Logan Patterson, Karen Anderson, Rebecca L. Abelman, Allen Bateman, Angela Biggs, Porscha Bumpus-White, Bradley Craft, Mondraya Howard, Stephen P. LaVoie, David Lonsway, Sarah Sabour, Annah Schneider, Paula Snippes-Vagnone, Michael Tran, David Torpey, Ann Valley, Christopher A. Elkins, Maria Karlsson, Allison C. Brown. Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network’s multisite evaluation of the ThermoFisher Sensititre GN7F broth microdilution panel for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Dec; 61(12): e00799-23. View Article.
- 2022. Nabil Karah, Konstantinos Antypas, Anas Al-toutanji, Usama Suveyd, Rayane Rafei, Louis-Patrick Haraoui, Wael Elamin, Monzer Hamze, Aula Abbara, Daniel D. Rhoads, Liron Pantanowitz, Bernt Eric Uhlin. Teleclinical Microbiology: An Innovative Approach to Providing Web-Enabled Diagnostic Laboratory Services in Syria. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. Vol 157:554-560.
- 2020. Justin Mugiraneza, Mijung Kwon, Daewon Kim, Sang-Guk Lee, Hyukmin Lee, Dongeun Yong. Performance of Modified-EUCAST Rapid Direct Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing on Clinical Urine Samples. Annals of Clinical Microbiology. Vol 23(3):185-194. View Abstract.
- 2014. Paul Levett, Tina Ash, David Gibbs, Andrew Wang, Nikolaus Thierjung. Study of BIOMIC V3 Automated versus Manual Reading of MicroScan ESBL Plus Panel Results. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology Vol 25 No 2 March/April 2014. View Poster.
View Abstract on page e49. - 2013. Sam Cohen, Natali Baker, David Gibbs, Andrew Wang, Nikolaus Thierjung. Study of BIOMIC V3 Automated Well Reading versus Manual Reading of Sensititre YeastOne YO-9 Panel Results. Giles Scientific Inc. View Poster
- 2013. Robert C. Fader, Emily Weaver, Rhonda Fossett, Michele Toyras, John Vanderlaan, David Gibbs, Andrew Wang, Nikolaus Thierjung. Multilaboratory Study of the Biomic Automated Well-Reading Instrument versus MicroScan WalkAway for Reading MicroScan Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Identification Panels. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 51(5): 1548-1554. View Abstract
- 2010. G.P. Turner, I. Dusich, R.B. Thomson, Jr. Comparative Cost of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing using BIOMIC Disk Diffusion vs. the BD Phoenix™ AP Automated Microbiology Systems. ASM Poster. View Poster
- 2010. H.M. Vinson, L.M. Piche, N.W. Dyer, D.F. Krogh, L.P. Schaan, P.S. Gibbs. Characterization of Multiple Morphologically Different Escherichia coli Colonies From Individual Diagnostic Cases. ASM Poster. View Poster
- 2010. P.S. Gibbs, M. Smith, E. Sackreiter, H.M. Vinson, and J.W. Grier. Genotypic and Antibiogram Comparison of Salmonella spp. Isolates from Multiple Populations of Snakes in the Upper Midwest. ASM Poster. View Poster
- 2009. Nicole M. Broekema, Tam T. Van, Timothy A. Monson, Steven A. Marshall, and David M. Warshauer. Comparison of Cefoxitin and Oxacillin Disk Diffusion Methods for Detection of mecA-Mediated Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus in a Large-Scale Study J. Clin. Microbiol. 47: 217-219. View Abstract
- 2008. E.J. Baron et. al. Evaluation of the BIOMIC V3 Microbiology System for Identification of Selected Species on BBL CHROMagar Orientation Agar and CHROMagar MRSA Medium. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46 (10), 3488-3490. View Abstract
- 2005. ICAAC Poster. Cystic Fibrosis Test with BIOMIC. View Poster
- 2003. C. Girmenia, G. Pizzarelli, D. D'Antonio, F. Cristini and P. Martino. In Vitro Susceptibility Testing of Geotrichum capitatum: Comparison of the E-Test, Disk Diffusion, and Sensititre Colorimetric Methods with the NCCLS M27-A2 Broth Microdilution Reference Method. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. December; 47(12): 3985–3988. View Abstract
- 1998. M. Jacobs, H. Holoszyc et. al. Determination of Penicillin MICs of Streptococcus pneumoniae by using a Two- or Three-Disk Diffusion Procedure. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 36(1), 179-183.
- 1998. K. Korgenski and J. Daly. Evaluation of the BIOMIC System for Determining Interpretive Categories of Isolates on the Basis of Disk Diffusion
Susceptibility Results. No very major or major errors and the BIOMIC is a reliable system for reading disk test zones. Journal of Clinical Microbiology
36(1) 302-304. - 1997. M. Jacobs et. al., Comparison: BIOMIC vs Agar Dilution, Microdilution & E-Test: 183 isolates of strep pneumo vs penicillin; using penicillin, oxacillin & methicillin disks. (Data on file).
- 1996. I. Berke and P. Tierno. Comparison of Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of BIOMIC and Vitek Antimicrobial Susceptibliity Test Systems for Use in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory. Overall agreement of interpretation was 97%, of MICs 93% with 2948 organism-drug combinations on gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 34(8), 1980-1984.
- 1995. D. Amsterdam and D. Hardy. Anaerobe Susceptibility Determinations in Two Continuous Agar Gradient Systems (BIOMIC & Etest). Complete agreement was shown in 79, 90 & 88% of Bacteroides, Clostridia & Fusobacteria. Abstract C366, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1995. K. Korgenski and J. Daly. Evaluation of the BIOMIC Reader System. Abstract C337, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1995. R. Sautter and D. DeWeese et. al. Comparison of two Gradient Diffusion Susceptibility Methods, BIOMIC and Etest, for the Determination of Susceptibility on Routine Clinical Isolates: 166 routine isolates, 7 species, and 4 drugs, 638 drug combinations. 94% agreement. Abstract C336, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1994. J. McLaughlin et al. A Comparison of BIOMIC and Etest for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing of Haemophilus influenzae. 852 H.influenzae - antibiotic combinations (6 drugs). 94% MIC-agreement within +/- 1 log dilution. Abstract, Poster C-308, American Society for Microbiology Annual
Meeting. - 1994. J. Daly et. al. Reliability two Unique Techniques, BIOMIC and Etest, for Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Abstract C218, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1993. J. Daly et. al. Evaluation of the BIOMIC System and Etest by Using Beto-Hemolytic Streptococci. 24 hour MICs on 10 antibiotics and 101 beta-hem-streptococci showed 99% agreement. Abstract C97, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1993. P. Rohner and R. Auckenthaller. Evaluation of the BIOMIC Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test System with Staphlococci. 102 S aureus and 63 coag-neg Staph were tested S.aureus & 63 coag-neg Staph showed 99,98,98,96,95 & 90% MIC-agreement with dilution tests.. Abstract C112, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1993. S. Hodowanec et. al. Comparative Study of BIOMIC and MicroScan Methods for the Determination of Quantitative Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing. 400 gram negative bacilli, 12,000 drug combinations. Abstract C183, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1991. R. Morfin et. al. Correlation Between the BIOMIC Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test System and Microilution MIC's. A comparison of MicroScan and BIOMIC MIC showed 92% agreement. Abstract C138, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1991 R. L. Sautter et al. Comparison: BIOMIC & Panel Systems Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Staphylococcus aureus. 93 S.aureus isolates were tested using MICs and S-R interpretation with 28 antibiotics (6831 combinations showed 90% agreement with MicroScan and 84% for MRSA. Reliability of MRSA MIC-panel results has been challenged. BIOMIC uses reliable disk-testing to detect MRSA and offers MICs. Abstract, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1991. T. Lawrence and D. Amsterdam. Early and Overnight BIOMIC Observations for Determining MICs. 162 Enterobacteriaceae and 56 nonfermenters, were tested against 8 antibiotics. 1744 organism-drug combinations, showed 94% agreement. Early 6 hr readings showed 4.2% Vm and Ma disagreement. BIOMIC is an acceptable for determining MICs after 18hr, and for most gram-negatives after 6 hours. Abstract C137, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1987. R. Sautter and G. Denys. Evaluation of BIOMIC and Commercial Microdilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Systems. BIOMIC automates & standardizes disk tests and reports MICs. BIOMIC eliminates maintaining MIC panels. BIOMIC/disk-diffusion is preferred for testing multiply-resistant staphylococci. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 25(2), 301-304.
- 1986. S. Nicol et. al. BIOMIC Disk and Microbroth Dilution Susceptibility Test Comparative Study. Abstract C200, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.
- 1985. R. D'Amato and C. Thornsberry. Evaluation of the BIOMIC Antimicrobial Susceptibility System. MICs of 511 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae, nonfermenters, enterococci & staph, 10,085 organism-drug combinations. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 22(5), 793-798.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Surveillance References
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- 2013. Benedict KM, Gow SP, Booker CW, McAllister TA, Morley PS. Methodological Comparisons for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Feedlot Cattle. BMC Veterinary Reserach. 2013 Oct 21; 9:216. View Abstract
- 2010. Pfaller MA, Diekema DJ, Gibbs DL, Newell VA, Ellis D, Tullio V, Rodloff A, Fu W, Ling TA; and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group.
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- 2009. M. A. Pfaller, D. J. Diekema, D. L. Gibbs, V. A. Newell, H. Bijie, D. Dzierzanowska, N. N. Klimko, V. Letscher-Bru, M. Lisalova, K. Muehlethaler, C. Rennison, M. Zaidi and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group. Results from the ARTEMIS DISK Global Antifungal Surveillance Study, 1997 to 2007: 10.5-Year Analysis of Susceptibilities of Noncandidal Yeast Species to Fluconazole and Voriconazole Determined by CLSI Standardized Disk Diffusion Testing. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 47(1) 117-123. View Abstract
- 2008. M. A. Pfaller, D. J. Diekema, D. L. Gibbs, V. A. Newell, E. Nagy, S. Dobiasova, M. Rinaldi, R. Barton, A. Veselov and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group. Candida krusei, a Multidrug Resistant Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen: Geographical and Temporal Trends from the ARTEMIS DISK Global Antifungal Surveillance Program, 2001-2005. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(2) 515-521. View Abstract
- 2008. M.A. Pfaller, D.J. Diekema, D.L. Gibbs, V.A. Newell, K.P. Ng, A. Colombo, J. Finquelievich, R. Barnes, J. Wadula, and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group. Geographic and Temporal Trends in Isolation and Antifungal Susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis: A Global Assessment from the ARTEMIS DISK Antifungal Surveillance Program, 2001 to 2005. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46 (3) 842-849. View Abstract
- 2007. A. Espinel-Ingroff, B. Arthington-Skaggs, N. Iqbal, D. Ellis, M.A. Pfaller, S. Messer, M. Rinaldi, A. Fothergill, D. L. Gibbs, A. Wang. A Multicenter
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- 2006. M. Pfaller, D. Diekema, A. Colombo, C. Kibbler, K. P. Ng, D. Gibbs, V. Newell and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group. Candida rugosa, an Emerging Fungal Pathogen with Resistance to Azoles: Geographic and Temporal Trends from the ARTEMIS Disk Antifungal Surveillance Program. Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
- 2006. M. Pfaller, D. Diekema, M. Mendez, C. Kibbler, P. Erzsebet, S. Chang, D. Gibbs, V. Newell, and the Global Antifungal Surveillance Group. Candida guilliermondii, an Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen with Decreased Susceptibility to Fluconazole: Geographic and Temporal Trends from the ARTEMIS Disk Antifungal Surveillance Program. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 44, 3551-3556.
- 2006. Pfaller, M.& D. Diekema, D.Sheehan et al. Interpretive Breakpoints for Fluconazole and Candida Revisited: a Blueprint for the Future of Antifungal Susceptibility Testing. Clinical Microbiology Review. 19(2), 435-447. View Abstract
- 2006. M. Pfaller, D. Diekema, et al. Correlation of MIC with Outcome for Candida Species Tested against Voriconazole: Analysis and Proposal for Interpretive Breakpoints. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 44(3), 819-826. View Abstract
- 2005. M. Pfaller, D. Diekema, M. Rinaldi, R. Barnes, B. Hu, A. Veselov, N. Tiraboschi, E. Nagy, D. Gibbs. Results for the ARTEMIS Disk Global Antifungal Surveillance Study: a 6.5-year Analysis of Susceptibilities of Candida and Other Yeast Species to Fluconazole and Voriconazole by Standard Disk Diffusion Testing. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 43(2) 5848-5859. View Abstract
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