BIOMIC V3 offers testing flexibility and veterinary specific features not available with other AST-ID systems. Pricing is provided via capital purchase or yearly subscription/rental. Optional veterinary features include:
CLSI & EUCAST Veterinary Guidelines
BIOMIC V3 software includes current veterinary guidelines:
Veterinary Testing Features
AMR Features
LIS Interface
BIOMIC V3 software includes current veterinary guidelines:
- Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk and Dilution Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria Isolated from Animals: VET01 & VET08
- Methods for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals. VET03
- Methods for Broth Dilution Susceptibility Testing for Bacteria Isolated from Aquatic Animals. VET04
- Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Infrequently Isolated or Fastidious Bacteria Isolated from Animals: VET06
- EUCAST Epidemiological Cut-Off Values (ECOFFs)
Veterinary Testing Features
- Sensititre* (Thermo) broth microdiltuon plate reading including: Sensititre AVIAN1F, BOPO7F, CAMPY, CMV1AGNF, CMV1AMAF, CMV1BURF, CMV2AGNF, CMV3AGPF, CMV3FVGP, CMV5AGNF, COMEQ3F, COMPAN2F, COMPGN1F, COMPGP1F, EQUIN1F, EQUIN2F, EUCAMP3, EUMVS2, EUST, EUVENC, EUVSEC3, JOEYE2, YO2IVD, MYCOTB, NOCARDIA, CMV1ISF, CMV2ISF, CMV3ISF, CMV4ISF, and custom Sensititre plates Learn more >
- List of animal species for inclusion on test results/printout/LIS transfer with option to modify as needed
- User expert rules including animal species as a condition (Example: Do not report Gentamicin for bovine isolates)
- Customized veterinary drug panels (Examples: Small Animal Gram Positive, Equine Staph, Bovine Enteric, etc)
AMR Features
- BIOMIC V3 includes a Vet-LIRN (Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network) AMR export feature. Vet-LIRN is a US-FDA program. Learn more >
- BIOMIC V3 reads NARMS (National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System) Sensititre Gram Positive (CMV3AGPF) and Gram Negative (CMV3AGNF) Plates. NARMS is a US-FDA program. Learn more >
- BIOMIC V3 includes a NAHLN (National Animal Health Laboratory Network) AMR export feature. NAHLN is a USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) program. Learn more >
LIS Interface
- Interfacing BIOMIC V3 with your LIS is important for maximum productivity. BIOMIC V3 is currently interfaced with (but not limited to) the following veterinary LIS vendors: VADDS, VetView, VetLIMS, Core 1 Trace, UVIS, USALims, StarLIMS, Cerner. Note: There is no additional cost from Giles Scientific for an LIS interface.
Veterinary Customers
Customer Testimonials - Veterinary
"BIOMIC V3 has vastly improved our workflow for testing and QC of our Sensititre MIC and disk diffusion plates"
"Our laboratory has been very pleased with the BIOMIC V3. It has vastly improved our workflow regarding the ease with which we read, interpret, and store the results of our Sensititre MIC and disk diffusion plates. There is no time lost in an attempt to determine the interpretation using CLSI’s standards. The BIOMIC interprets our results according to those standards. In addition, QC is a snap. All results are saved and can be used to create trending reports as needed. Another bonus is the ability to read and interpret API strips. After the plates have been read and interpreted, should there be questions regarding the reading of the plates, it is simple to pull up any results and view the picture of the plates. When an interpretation might be questioned, expert rules are listed to explain any adjustments. When questions have arisen regarding any aspect of BIOMIC V3, customer service responds quickly and efficiently with solutions and/or recommendations."
Maria S. Mitchell, DVM
Microbiology Section Head
Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2015
"Outstanding customer service and quickly updated CLSI guidelines from Giles Scientific"
"Our lab uses BIOMIC V3 to read Sensititre MIC panels and we have been impressed with the outstanding customer service and quickly updated CLSI guidelines from Giles Scientific. We like that you can go back and look at the images of the panels as this makes training new employees very easy. Our lab has a custom panel, in additional to the standard panels, and the set-up within the BIOMIC software was quick and simple. The addition of the Bottom Camera Reader has made reading susceptibility plates very efficient. Overall, we are very happy with BIOMIC V3 and would recommend this system to other diagnostic laboratories."
Tanya Purvis
Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Supervisor
Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2017
"BIOMIC V3 is an excellent addition to our veterinary diagnostic laboratory"
“BIOMIC V3 is an excellent addition to our veterinary diagnostic laboratory. We use it for reading Sensititre MIC plates as well as for reading the Rapid ID panels. Other useful features include capturing and storage of the panel images for later review and the ability to create quality control reports. The customer support team has been top notch and the timely software and CLSI updates is much appreciated.“
Dr. Rinosh Mani
Bacteriology Section Head
Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Lansing, MI, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2016
"Digital workflow and tremendous time savings with BIOMIC V3"
"BIOMIC V3 has simplified Kirby Bauer and QC testing tremendously and reduced the paperwork significantly. We love having everything archived digitally and that it will send sensitivity results directly into our online reporting system. We have two BIOMIC V3 systems set up because of our high testing volume. Past results and images are easy to access for both susceptibility and ID test strips including API, RapID and Crystal. The software is updated annually to incorporate all recent CLSI guideline changes so we don’t have to remember all the rules."
Paula Bartlett
Laboratory Manager
University of Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Athens, GA, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2008
"BIOMIC V3 is a great asset for our laboratory"
"The BIOMIC V3 system has been a huge help in getting the microbiology bench up and running in our veterinary diagnostic lab. It is easy to use, stays current with the demands of a face paced lab, and keeps us up to date. Being able to read not only Sensititre MIC plates*, but also RapID panels, and have an image of those tests for records is incredibly useful. It’s become indispensable for keeping track of all the media and reagents we use along with trend tracking for ISO requirements. BIOMIC V3 is a great asset for our laboratory.”
Kim Reiten
Microbiology Supervisor
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Albuquerque, NM, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2015
"Automated Sensititre plate reading and great customer support"
"At the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory, we use BIOMIC V3 to read Sensititre plates for companion, equine, and food animal sensitivities. It allows us to quickly process our samples, and provide clients with accurate results in a timely manner. Giles Scientific also has some of the best customer support I’ve ever encountered in the biotechnology industry."
David J. Berry
Laboratory Technician II
Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory, Laramie, WY, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2015
"Standardized disk diffusion plate reading and CLSI Interpretation"
"BIOMIC V3 is used by our laboratory primarily for the reading of disk diffusion susceptibility plates. From day one, the system was adopted by all technologists for its ease of use and for the standardization of results. BIOMIC V3 significantly reduces time needed for plate reading and interpretation of results. The result interpretation is based on CLSI standards which are regularly updated by website download ensuring that only the most accurate results are released. Giles Scientific also has amazing customer service support which is quick to respond to any inquiries and seek the input from their customers in order to continuously improve the system."
Durda Slavic, DVM, MSc, PhD
Animal Health Laboratory
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2006
"BIOMIC V3 reads our diagnostic broth microdilution plates with ease"
"Our laboratory has been using the BIOMIC V3 system for over two years now. This system reads all of our diagnostic broth microdilution plates with ease and the software is very easy to use and straight forward. If we ever encounter an issue with the software, the company representatives will go out of their way to resolve the issue to ensure that you are completely satisfied. We are very happy with our shift to BIOMIC V3 and we highly recommend this company."
Laura G. Leger
Bacteriology Laboratory Manager
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2017
"BIOMIC V3 standardizes our veterinary AST plate reading and organizes our media and reagents QA/QC"
"We use BIOMIC V3 to read and interpret all of our Kirby Bauer and Sensititre MIC plates in our Veterinary Diagnostics Lab at Prairie Diagnostic Services. The instrument has helped us standardized our lab procedures and make better use of technical time, especially during increased workload. We also use the BIOMIC V3 for organizing QA/QC information on all of our media and reagents which saves a lot of paperwork and makes lab audits easier. The customer support team have been invaluable assets as they are very quick with answers to any technical issues and servicing the instrument in a timely fashion."
Monique Darke
Technologist, Clinical Veterinary Bacteriology
Prairie Diagnostic Services, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2013
"Dedicated to providing excellent customer service"
"We are very pleased with our BIOMIC V3 system for reading our KB panels. It is fast and easy to use and the ability to create/edit custom panels is helpful in our laboratory since we test isolates from many animal species. It requires little/no maintenance and the support staff is outstanding. They respond quickly to all inquiries and are dedicated to providing excellent customer service."
Michelle Villanueva
Bacteriology Supervisor
California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System, Davis, CA, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2006
"Accurate Sensititre vet panel reading and interpretation with BIOMIC V3"
"The BIOMIC V3 has been a great asset for reading and interpreting Sensititre diagnostic vet panels. I was able to set up the BIOMIC V3 quickly, it's incredibly easy to use, and the software is easy to navigate and very user-friendly. I really love the BIOMIC V3 for being able to deliver results in seconds and provide such a clear image that I can even interpret panels manually with no problem. It takes up very little bench space and requires little to no maintenance, which I really appreciate. Overall, it's a fantastic automated reading system that I would highly recommend to anyone!"
Heather Vinson
Microbiologist, Animal Health Laboratory
North Dakota State University
Dept. of Veterinary & Microbiological Sciences, Fargo, ND, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2006
"Great Disk Diffusion/Kirby Bauer (KB) and QC with BIOMIC V3"
"We are very pleased with a number of items on the BIOMIC V3. The automated reading/interpretation of our disk diffusion antimicrobial plates has saved us an enormous amount of time and space. The touch-screen and enhanced scans really assist with some of our more difficult to read organisms as well. The annual CLSI updates are a must and assist us tremendously as we have a number of different species that we test on KB. Finally, having our entire QC data stored electronically to maintain our records of all our antibiotic discs and susceptibility media has helped us tremendously. Great support staff as well."
Jason Bergren
Microbiologist II
Galesburg Animal Disease Lab, Illinois Dept. of Agriculture, Galesburg, IL, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2013
“Broth Microdilution Plate Reading + Increased Productivity with BIOMIC V3”
“The BIOMIC V3 System has increased our workflow and quality in the laboratory. We are sensitivity testing hundreds of isolates a year using the broth microdilution method. Using this system, we have the possibility to save pictures of the plate and the possibility to transfer data to our own sample registration system. This has really decreased the possibility to make human typing errors on the way. The Bottom Camera Reader has been a wonderful add-on to BIOMIC V3. The customer support is prompt and problems are solved in an efficient manner.”
Jannice Schau Slettemeås
Norwegian Veterinary Institute
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2013
“Excellent reading speed and precision with BIOMIC V3”
"BIOMIC V3 has been a great addition to our microbiology section. The speed and precision when reading the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion plates has been excellent. In addition to greater accuracy, the system saves a significant amount of time from reading the plates manually. The quality control software for the antibiotic discs, media and reagents is excellent and very user friendly. The support staff from BIOMIC are very helpful and available. We only wish we had adopted this technology sooner!"
Robert Gibson
Microbiology Section Head, Managing Director
New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Lab
Durham, NH, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2020
"Confident and instant API reading with BIOMIC V3"
"BIOMIC V3 provides our lab with excellent QC functions, confident API readings, and custom vet drug panels for antibiotic susceptibility testing. After a quick installation, I felt very comfortable working with its software and would strongly recommend BIOMIC V3 to other micro labs."
Brooke Burt
Microbiology Supervisor
University of Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Tucson, AZ, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2007
"Same day set-up and testing with BIOMIC V3"
"Our lab has benefited tremendously from BIOMIC V3's consistency and speed of reading Kirby Bauers and Remel RapID panels. We were able to setup and begin testing the same day the system arrived in the lab! Since implementing BIOMIC V3, the reading and interpretation labor time has decreased significantly. Having the CLSI animal health guidelines built-in to the software is also a time-saving feature for our veterinary lab."
Penelope Gibbs, PhD
Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Supervisor
North Dakota State University
Dpt. of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Fargo, ND, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2006
"Outstanding tech support for our animal health bacteriology lab"
"Their tech support is outstanding! I'm not the greatest with computers but I've found BIOMIC V3 very easy to use and understand. It has also dramatically reduced time with reading and interpreting sensitivities and ID panels. BIOMIC V3 has automated our API NE, Crystal Enteric/NF and Crystal Gram Positive panels. I also like the enhancement feature for organisms where the zones are hard to read - with the push of a button, the zones become much easier to see."
Laura Small
Senior Associate Scientist, Comprehensive Animal Health Services
BioReliance Corporation, Rockville, MD, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2007
"Kirby-Bauer and Crystal ID panel automation for our vet lab"
"BIOMIC V3 has automated the reading of our Kirby-Bauer plates and Crystal ID Panels saving valuable tech time and helping to eliminate possible clerical errors. The BIOMIC software has incorporated CLSI guidelines which are necessary when interpreting and reporting results. The epidemiology reports are a valuable tool in monitoring drug resistance. The Giles support team and reliability of the system have exceeded our expectations."
Tina Elam
Microbiology Supervisor
Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, Lexington, KY, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2006
"Automated Quality Control features for my vet diagnostic lab"
"In addition to its many testing functions, BIOMIC V3 also provides my lab with automated QC testing and electronic tracking of results. Its animal specific options have made BIOMIC V3 a great addition to our vet lab. Their customer support is quick to respond and knowledgeable."
Peggy Dearing
Microbiology Supervisor
Oregon State University-Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Corvallis, OR, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2005
"Prompt and reliable customer service from Giles Scientific"
"We have enjoyed working with Giles Scientific over the years, and have been pleased with their prompt, reliable customer service whether it was regarding a simple question or integrating the BIOMIC software with a new computer. We’ve always received quick and easy-to-understand responses from them."
Lisa Onischuk
Supervisor, General Microbiology
New Mexico Department of Health, Albuquerque, NM, USA
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2005
"Efficiency even for a small veterinary laboratory"
"At our lab the BIOMIC V3 system has streamlined the reading of susceptibility plates significantly, even without a LIS-connection. It has also simplified the monitoring of quality control results with automatic alerts when QC standards aren't met. The user interface is intuitive and very easy to learn, and we rarely have to check the manual when we want to change any of the countless customizable options."
Thomas Grönthal, DVM
University of Finland, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Helsinki, Finland
BIOMIC V3 customer since 2014